From Book To Business…

Jeremy Piccott
4 min readSep 15, 2020

My coaching evolution has been interesting. It wasn’t long before I realized that I only had so many hours in the day. I could only coach so many people before I was capped. When I was working in a gym as an employee I only got 1/3 of what the client was paying per hour so, as a personal trainer it can be a tough go. Long days… and your only paid when your training. Client’s all want the same workout times. Really early before work, a lunch rush after work and late night. A lot of hours are spent in limbo and then to get clients we do fitness assessments at a reduced rate and hope to retain the client at the end of the session. It’s my absolute favorite industry but, unfortunately it’s not the best business model. I knew I had to find a better way so, I decided to package my idea and publish it. This way I could reach more people and free my self from being bound to one location, where I could only train so many people per day. I set out on my mission to become a published author. I remember I was so determined I had no idea what it meant to write a book. The writing part was fairly easy because I had already systematized a beginner to advanced personal training regime, I just had to lay it all out and and explain the progressions I would normally take my client through. The rest of the journey was expensive. Therefore it slowed me right down, every step of the way was more than I made in a week. I needed editors, photographers, fitness models a publishing company. It took 4 years from cover to cover and kept me broke and over worked. The entire project cost just over $10,000 and that was before I received any copies. I remember the day they told me copies were extra about $18 per copy for black and white. ‘What!” I spent thousands of dollars renting a gym, 2 photographers and 5 fitness models we had the most beautiful professional pictures taken for every single exercise in the 1 year personal training program and the book was going to be in black and white!!! I couldn’t believe it. OK I though and ordered 100 copies anyway. I remember thinking oh ma this is it… The only thing left to do now is figure out what island I was going to buy. I made a fake name and everything because I didn’t want to be too famous. J.D.Orion I called my self. They say if you take the name of your 1st pet and the 1st street you lived on as a child that’s how you get your stage name. I got a laugh out of that and mine was Coco Jefferies I didn’t like it very much. My wife at the time had a cat named JD and her street was Orion court. J.D.Orion was born… I called the book North American Fat Ass because I had figured out a way to make a diet out of junk food that actually worked. I figured since we consider pop tarts and Joe Louis actual human food we might as well find a way to eat it in perfect portion. The book never sold many copies online but I was able to use it to build my business. I then stood in the gym with my book and asked everybody who walked by if they would like a free copy in exchange for their email. I didn’t realize it at the time but I was building a list. There is a famous formula they say for every person on your email list you should make $1. There fore if you had 100 people on your list you should make $100 if you are bad at marketing. If you have 5000 people on your list you should make $5000 per month. I wish I had known back then what I know now. Financial freedom has been my ultimate underlying desire for as long as I can remember. That’s why my book has since evolved into an entire online sales system. I am going to be creating a podcast interviewing authors, because I know how much work goes into writing a book and most authors are an expert in the field they are writing about not marketing and business. For me the book it’s self flopped fortunately I turned it into a sales system. I sold many $7000+ personal training packages because of that book. However unfortunately a lot of authors out there have no idea how to turn their passion into an actual business. After spending all of that time creating it, turning your book into a high ticket business may be one conversation away. If you are an author I would love to hear from you. Have you created a business from your book?



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