Jeremy Piccott
3 min readSep 24, 2020

What Problem What desire and What Outcome

Over the past few days I’ve spoken with a few different life coaches who seem to be facing the same problem and that is finding something the can package. They all know the like helping other people and are the first person people come to when they have problems or issues but still don’t know how to label it, or call it a profitable niche really. Here are the 3 questions you need to ask yourself when you set out to make a product or system.

  1. What problem are you solving for people?
  2. What desire are you tapping into?
  3. What outcome will they receive as a result of your product or service.

From there there aren’t any rules and you can reverse engineer the entire process. If you haven’t yet accomplished something you feel you can charge people to teach them flip the question on it’s head. Where do I want to go? Is that the same place I could bring other people when I get there? Do they have enough desire to pull out their credit card? Does anybody else want that outcome?

I’ll reverse engineer the entire goal starting with how much I want to make financially. This may sound ridiculous but hear me out. My goal is $1,000,000 Per year. let’s break that down… We have 261 Work days in the year so that’s how I’m going to break down the math. $1,000,000 divided by 261 days =$3832 Per work day. I say work day because the only way to make a million dollars is to actually sell things and I’m not working 365 days in a year. $3832 per day may sound like a pipe dream but selling 2 products at $1915 is a legitimate goal and milestone. I’ll give you an example if I want to create an information product that is worth $1915 but have no idea where to start I’m going to ask my self. Where do I want to go? I always recommend that we look to our past stories because there are lots of hidden gems in all of our pasts but the future is what really important. Where do I want to be? What would I pay $2000 for? More importantly what would other people pay $2000 for? I’ll go for the 1st thing that pops into my head. I’d like to be a best selling author. Would I pay someone $2000 if I believed they could get me there? Absolutely I would… Would anybody else? it’s easy to find out. I’ll look right now. I googled best selling book course and right away found several. Now I have 2 choices I can figure it out on my own, which I don’t recommend or I can find people who there already and buy their trainings. If you won’t invest in yourself than no one will invest in you. All I have to do is get there then I can teach other people how I got there. It’s not going to be an over night adventure but nothing is. Seeds take time to grow. People waste anything up to a life time trying to figure out their niche. If you can’t figure out a product from where you have been look to where you want to go but keep the formula in mind. What Problem does it solve? What desire does it fulfill? and What Outcome will people get as a result? As always feel free to reach out if this provoked any thoughts you feel like sharing.

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